Solution for illiquid Assets

An illiquid asset is one that can’t be turned into cash quickly or without losing substantial value.

  • Liquid assets provide a small or no discount, as also small interest.
  • Illiquid asset provide a large discount and high return interest.

Illiquid assets describes an asset or securities that cannot be sold quickly due to a shortage of interested buyers or a lack of an established trading market.

Illiquid assets cannot be easily converted into cash without potential for losing a significant percentage of their value.

Example for Illiquid assets:

securities and banking instruments – receivables, claims and demands - company shares - registered bonds and credit linked notes - arts and precious metals - real estate and tangible assets - Commodities and all forms of special assets - project developments and patent - ICO from the first generation

Preferred properties:

Sellable, transfer able, pledged, balancing capable, banking in the safest sense, divisible, as underlying suitable for derivatives- cover funds- company shares aso..

Contact for support:

akad. IM Ing. Michaela Lukmann



Tel.: +43 664 8890 7999